Note: Outlook Express 4 users along
with Outlook Express users who want to access Hotmail accounts
will need to manually set up their account. To configure
your account, please follow the step-by-step instructions
under Changing Settings in Outlook Express below.
There are two steps to get Outlook Express
running properly with Mailshell Anti-Spam:
- For each Outlook Express POP email account you want
filtered by Mailshell Anti-Spam, edit its account settings
in Outlook Express.
- If you want to move or delete your junk mail, create
a filtering rule in Outlook Express.
Changing Settings in Outlook Express
These step-by-step instructions will show
you how to configure Outlook Express for Mailshell Anti-Spam
Step 1
Choose Tools > Accounts from
the main menu.
Step 2
Under the Mail tab, select the account
you wish to filter.
Click the Properties button.
Step 3
Select the Servers tab.
You should see something like:
Write down your current values for "Incoming
mail (POP3)" and "Account name". You can always restore
these original values if you don't want Mailshell Anti-Spam
to filter this account any longer. In the above example,
the "Incoming mail (POP3)" is "mail.isp.com" and the "Account
name" is "jane".
Please note: If the "Incoming
mail (POP3)" server is another program running on your computer
such as:
- localhost
- web2pop
- pop3.norton.antivirus
Then you need to refer to the manual for that
program to connect to Mailshell Anti-Spam.
Otherwise, make the following two changes:
- Account name: enter the "#" character after your
username, followed by your incoming mail server (POP3)
information (in the example, this is given as "jane#mail.isp.com").
Note: Hotmail users should use "username#hotmail.com".
Currently, only the Hotmail Inbox folder is retrieved.
MSN users should use "username#msn.com".
- Incoming mail (POP3): replace your existing mail
server name with "localhost".
The screen should now look like:
Click the OK button.
You've now configured Outlook Express to retrieve
mail from Mailshell Anti-Spam Universal. Repeat for each
POP email account you want Mailshell Anti-Spam to filter.
Let's continue by creating an Outlook Express
rule to process the junk mail you receive.
Creating an Outlook Express Rule
Please note: The filtering rule
assumes that you have already configured Mailshell Anti-Spam
Universal to "Enable Subject Modification".
Step 1
Choose Tools > Message Rules
> Mail.
Click the New button if you already
have a list of existing rules; otherwise, a New Mail Rule
dialog window will automatically appear.
Step 2
In the New Mail Rule dialog, select the "Where
the Subject line contains specific words" condition
and the "Move it to the specified folder" action.
Under Rule Description, click the "contains
specific words" link.
Please Note: If you choose the
following Actions "Do not Download it from the server" or
"Delete it from server", Mailshell Anti-Spam Universal will
ignore these actions.
Step 3
A Type Specific Words dialog window will appear.
Enter [spamcatcher] and click the Add
button, then click OK.
Step 4
Now click the "specified" link under
Rule Description.
A Move dialog window will appear.
You'll want to create a new folder to move
your junk mail to. To do so, click the New Folder
button, and enter a name (e.g. SpamCatcher). Click OK.
This new folder should now be listed in the Move dialog.
Click OK.
You can also specify 'SpamCatcher' as your
rule name in step 4.
Like the screenshot below, the Rule Description
should now read
Apply this rule after the message arrives
Where the Subject line contains '[spamcatcher]'
Move it to the SpamCatcher folder
Click OK.
Congratulations! Outlook Express is
now configured for Mailshell Anti-Spam Universal.
Please note:
- Be sure to read the instructions carefully, much of
the information given is for example purposes only. If
you enter the example information, Outlook Express will
not be configured correctly.
- If you do not use port 110 to connect to your POP server,
you will need to make two additional changes:
- Append ":port number" to your account name, e.g. "jane#mail.isp.com:111"
- Change your port number in the Advanced tab
to "110" to match the proxy listening port.
- We do not support secure connection (SSL). Be sure
the setting for "Incoming mail (POP3): This server requires a secure
connection (SSL)" under the Advanced tab is unchecked.
Mailshell Anti-Spam Universal, however, will support SSL
if the Outlook Express plugin is used. Additionally, if you have Outlook,
our Mailshell Anti-Spam Desktop Outlook Edition supports SSL.
- If your SMTP server requires SMTP Authentication and
the settings are the same as your incoming mail server,
you will need to change the following:
Choose Tools > Accounts.
Select account and click on Properties. Click
on the Servers tab.
Under "Outgoing Mail Server" click on Settings.
Click on Log on using and enter Account name
and Password.
Click OK.