There are two steps to get Eudora running
properly with Mailshell Anti-Spam:
- For each Eudora POP email account you want filtered
by Mailshell Anti-Spam, edit its account settings in Eudora.
- If you want to move or delete your junk mail, create
a filtering rule in Eudora.
Changing Settings in Eudora
These step-by-step instructions will show
you how to configure Eudora 5.0+ for Mailshell Anti-Spam
Step 1
Choose Tools > Options.
Step 2
You should see something like:
Write down your current values for "Mail Server
(Incoming)" and "Login name". You can always restore these
original values if you don't want Mailshell Anti-Spam to
filter this account any longer. In the above example, the
"Mail Server (Incoming)" is "mail.isp.com" and the "Login
Name" is "jane".
Please note: If the "Mail Server
(Incoming)" server is another program running on your computer
such as:
- localhost
- web2pop
- pop3.norton.antivirus
Then you need to refer to the manual for that
program to connect to Mailshell Anti-Spam.
Otherwise, make the following two changes:
- Login Name: enter the "#" character after your
username, followed by your SMTP Server (Incoming) information
(in the example, this is given as "jane#mail.isp.com").
Note: Hotmail users should use "username#hotmail.com".
Currently, only the Hotmail Inbox folder is retrieved.
MSN users should use "username#msn.com".
- Mail Server (Incoming): replace your existing
mail server name with "localhost".
The screen should now look like:
Note: Be sure a Return Address is listed.
Leaving this field blank may confuse Eudora when sending
mail due to the changes made in the Login Name field.
Click OK.
You've now configured Eudora to retrieve mail
from Mailshell Anti-Spam Universal. Repeat for each POP
email account you want Mailshell Anti-Spam to filter.
Let's continue by creating a Eudora filter
to process the junk mail you receive.
Creating a Eudora Filter
Please note: The filtering rule
assumes that you have already configured Mailshell Anti-Spam
Universal to "Enable Spam Flagging".
Step 1
Choose Tools > Filters.
Click the New button.
Step 2
Select the Incoming check box.
Select the <Any Header>
in the Header menu.
Type X-SpamCatcher-Flag over the text
<Any Header> in the header field.
Type 'Yes' in the empty text field
to the right of the contains entry.
Select Transfer To from the Action
pull-down menu. Click the In button and select New
to move it to a new folder (in the example, it is given
as SpamCatcher).
Note: If you have multiple Eudora filters,
you may want to set the second Action on this filter to
Skip Rest so that your other filters are not applied.
Close the window and confirm to save changes.
Congratulations! Eudora is now configured
for Mailshell Anti-Spam Universal.
Please note:
Be sure to read the instructions carefully,
much of the information given is for example purposes only.
If you enter the example information, Eudora will not be
configured correctly.