What is the Mailshell Network?
The Mailshell Network tracks millions of
messages in real-time to determine which messages are sent
in bulk and whether the bulk messages are wanted by users.
When you fetch new email, the Mailshell Anti-Spam software creates
an anonymous fingerprint ID of the email and immediately
checks the Mailshell Network if the email is spam. When
you approve or block an email, the Mailshell Anti-Spam software
immediately updates the Mailshell Network. You can help
to stop spam by participating in Mailshell's
Network. To select your Mailshell Network setting,
please begin by clicking on the Mailshell Anti-Spam icon
on the Outlook tool bar.
How does Blocking or Approving
emails impact the Mailshell Network?
If you are connected to the Mailshell Network,
your decision to block or approve an email address or
domain will be tallied. Blocking a sender will decrease
the sender's reputation in the Mailshell Network community.
Approving a sender will increase the sender's reputation
in the Mailshell Network community. These real-time
updates of the Network help to identify and filter out
spam for all Mailshell Anti-Spam users.
How much information is shared
with the Network?
It is entirely your choice. You may choose
to "not check" the Network, pass no fingerprint IDs, and
rely entirely on spam rules. Or you can share an anonymous
fingerprint ID of the email of the message and greatly increase
spam catching accuracy. Messages and account passwords never
leave your computer.
Is sharing information safe?
Yes. Sharing is both anonymous and secure.
The Mailshell Anti-Spam service places the highest importance
on your email privacy and security. Your email and your
account passwords on your computer is never transmitted
or shared with anyone - your email never leaves your computer.
All the spam checking occurs in your email program and no
one can ever view your messages. In addition, all requests
to the Mailshell Network is anonymous and encrypted.
Is sharing information secure?
Yes. All the information conveyed via the
Mailshell Network is transmitted in encrypted form.
What does a Mailshell Network
fingerprint look like?
The fingerprint is just an anonymous digital
hash like: LSKJE20984234sf90835kjdf890l68907goert09lijgh98ylij45670uher08.