What is Mailshell's 30-day money-back guarantee?
Mailshell guarantees that if you sign up for our Premium Service and aren't completely satisfied, you can change your mind within 30 days of registering and we'll refund your money. It's that simple!
To receive a refund:
Can I change my username once I've registered?
No, you cannot change your username once you have registered.
If you want to change your username because you originally signed up with a forwarding address, have been using that address to sign in, and now no longer have access to it, remember that you do have the option of using your custom domain or Mailshell subdomain to sign in instead. Be sure to type the entire domain name: joe.com, bill.org, jane.mailshell.com.
Can I change my personal domain once I've registered?
No, you cannot change your subdomain or domain once you have signed up or registered it, although there are several options you can consider:
- If you have the Premium Service and are currently using a Mailshell subdomain (your-name.mailshell.com), you can upgrade to a full domain (your-name.com) by either registering a new domain or using an existing domain.
- You can also delete your account and create a new one with a new username. (By deleting your account, all of your existing addresses and messages will also be deleted, and the username you had will no longer be usable. This process cannot be reversed.)