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Getting Started
Mailshell Anti-Spam
Download and Install Mailshell Anti-Spam
Using Mailshell Anti-Spam
Outlook Interface
Mailshell Network
General Options
Approve Options
Block Options
Ignore Lists
Advanced Options
Getting Started
Mailshell Anti-Spam
What is Mailshell Anti-Spam?
What email clients does Mailshell Anti-Spam work with?
What are the system requirements?
Does Mailshell Anti-Spam work with AOL, Yahoo!, or Hotmail?
How do I use Outlook?
What if I install and do not have Administrator rights?
Does Mailshell Anti-Spam contain advertising technologies or so-called 'spyware'?
Download and Install Mailshell Anti-Spam Outlook
How do I download Mailshell Anti-Spam?
How do I install Mailshell Anti-Spam?
Using Mailshell Anti-Spam Outlook
Outlook Interface
What happens to my spam messages?
How can I customize the Mailshell Anti-Spam Outlook toolbar placement?
How do I customize the look of the Mailshell Anti-Spam toolbar?
What do I do if I can't get Outlook to work?
How do I train Mailshell Anti-Spam Outlook?
Mailshell Network
What is the Mailshell Network?
How does Blocking or Approving emails impact the Mailshell Network?
How much information is shared with the Network?
Is sharing information safe?
Is sharing information secure?
What does a Mailshell Network fingerprint look like?
General Options
How do I disable Mailshell Anti-Spam Outlook?
How do I disable the Spam Network Check?
How do I disable LiveReport?
How do I customize the strength of Mailshell Anti-Spam Outlook's filtering?
How do I disable automatic updates to the Mailshell Anti-Spam rules?
How do I enable notification of new upgrades?
How do I mark caught spam as read?
How do I disable the confirmation dialog for blocking and approving senders?
How do I turn off the notification of errors connecting to the Mailshell Network?
How do I bounce a message that I block?
How do I set a proxy server?
How do I enable Inbox scan on startup?
How do I enable Scan of Folders?
How do I disable the Unsure Folder?
How do I disable the Phish Folder?
What are Preferred Languages?
How do I disable the ping checks?
Approve Options
What are Approved Senders?
Why would I want to maintain an Approved Senders list?
How do I add an address or domain to my Approved Senders list?
How do I remove an address or domain from my Approved Senders list?
How do I choose to only accept email from approved senders?
What are Approved I.P. Addresses?
How do I specify I.P. addresses?
Block Options
What are Blocked Senders?
Why would I want to maintain a Blocked Senders list?
How do I add an address or domain to my Blocked Senders list?
Do I need to manually add my Junk Sender's List to Mailshell Anti-Spam's Blocked Senders?
How do I remove an address or domain to my Blocked Senders list?
What happens to my blocked and caught messages?
What are Blocked Countries?
What are Blocked I.P. Addresses?
How do I specify I.P. addresses?
Ignore Lists
What are Ignore Lists?
How do I specify I.P. addresses?
Advanced Options
Enable Word Training
Maximum Number of Word Entries
Minimum Training
Enable Rules
Enable Rule Training
Use Outlook User Property
Enable RBL MultiHit
RBL Timeout
Maximum Number of IPs to Query Against RBLs
RBL Threshold
Auto Training Threshold
Netcheck Threshold
How do I upgrade Mailshell Anti-Spam Outlook?
What should I do if some spam is still making it through the filter?
What should I do if some legitimate emails are being filtered as spam?
How do I use disposable email addresses?
I am behind a firewall and can't use the Mailshell Network. What can I do?
What happens if I can not connect to Mailshell's servers?
What do I do if I can't get Outlook to work?
What do I do if Exchange is slow or does not work?
What are the known bugs with Mailshell Anti-Spam Outlook?
How do I report a bug?
How do I retrieve a lost Mailshell Anti-Spam Outlook registration key?
How do I uninstall Mailshell Anti-Spam Outlook?
Can I uninstall Mailshell Anti-Spam Outlook by just deleting the SpamCatcher folder?
What happens to Outlook junk senders list and exceptions list after I uninstall Mailshell Anti-Spam Outlook?
What header information does Mailshell Anti-Spam Outlook use to block or approve addresses?
In what order is my email filtered?
How does Mailshell Anti-Spam's money-back guarantee work?
What happens if there are multiple user names on the installed machine?
How do I filter spam in another folder?
What if I have a question that isn't answered here?
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